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Return results

As destination types are not strictly required to be Immutable, you may change them while they are in the backstack. This may be used for returning values from other destinations. Just make a mutable property backed up by mutableStateOf and change it when required.

For example, we want to return a string from the Second screen. Here is how destinations may be defined:

interface AcceptsResultFromSecond {
    val resultFromSecond: MutableState<String?>

sealed class Destination : Parcelable {

    data class First(
        override val resultFromSecond: @RawValue MutableState<String?> = mutableStateOf(null)
    ) : Destination(), AcceptsResultFromSecond

    data object Second : Destination()


And to actually set the result from the Second screen you do:

val previousDestination = navController.backstack.entries.let {
    it[it.lastIndex - 1].destination
check(previousDestination is AcceptsResultFromSecond)
previousDestination.resultFromSecond.value = text

You may see how it is implemented in the sample here.


In general, returning values to previous destinations makes the navigation logic more complicated. Also, this approach doesn't guarantee full compile time type-safety. Use it with caution and when you are sure what you are doing. Sometimes it may be easier to use a shared state holder.